Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Buried on page A/8 in today's AJC is a tiny article that relates that Fred Fielding has replaced Harriet Miers as Whitehouse chief counsel. Harriet took one for the team and hung around after the debacle of her supreme court nomination and subsequent defeat at the hands of outraged conservatives.

Who is Fred Fielding? I don't recall the name, but wait! He was deputy White House counsel from 1972 until 1974 (associate counsel from 70 to 72). So he was a chief legal advisor to the Nixon Whitehouse. That is what he brings to the oval office. He is a Repub war counsel lawyer.

FYI. Since all the Repubs have been instructed to denigrate the Democratic party by leaving off the last syllable of the Democratic party's name, calling it the "Democrat" party, from the Preznut on down, I have decided to do them one better and leave off two syllables of their name and will be calling them the Repubs from now on. Perhaps the Pub party would be an even better designation, but I'm taking it easy on them.

Paul Krugman of the New York Times has a good article today on the delusional preznut.


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