Saturday, August 08, 2009

First things first. The crape myrtle is the grandest plant in the south. Introduced to America in 1747, they have endured and spread everywhere, known for flowering throughout the summer, their brillant blooms in a variety of colors, and the beautiful wood. As I walk every day, I'm impressed that no matter how unimaginatively they are pruned they remain beautiful.

There is an all out assault going on by the Republican party to try and prevent any movement by the government that would provide health care for people who do not have it. 50 million people who cannot afford to go to the doctor. I often hear Republicans boast that we live in the greatest nation on earth. If that is true, then we must have reached moral banckruptcy to allow the current situation to continue year after year. I hear people spouting that they don't want to be taxed to pay for someone else's healthcare. They must see healthcare as a product that people should want, they should work to have, and that everyone should provide for themself. No one should be burdened with another's healthcare. Of course, we already pay in spades for the healthcare of the poor and needy. A poor person with the flu who walks into the doctor's office, cannot be seen without insurance or prepayment. So that desperate, sick individual will instead call 911. When the paramedics bring him to the hospital, they will be treated by the emergency room at ten times the cost. The cost is then added on to my bill and yours. Anyone who thinks we are not already paying for the healthcare of the poor is simply stupid. The only difference is, the healthcare industry makes a profit ten times as great on that patient taking the ambulance ride as they would on the same patient walking into a clinic.

So it is capitalism that oppresses peoples healthcare. I recently heard a discussion on television that explained that government healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid run on a 3% cost for administration. Private health insurance runs on a 23% overhead. The extra 20% of the money goes to insurance executives salaries and to stockholder's profits. Since I am heavily invested in mutual funds in 401k and 403b accounts, I must be a stockholder in some of these companies. I do not wish to continue making that money by denial of healthcare to the poor.

And even if you think you have healthcare, you may turn out to be wrong. Get the wrong disease, of lose your job and then get sick, and you'll be denied coverage by health insurance bureaucrats (who are somehow different from government bureaucrats?), and lose you home and savings trying to fund treatment to keep yourself alive. If you live, you'll have nothing. Sixty percent of all bankruptcies are the result of medical emergencies carried to worst case senarios.

This is not right. President Obama's leadership is the light on the path to a better day in healthcare in America. The people disrupting town hall meetings are terrorists and should be imprisoned.


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