Saturday, October 16, 2004

The lead article in Saturday's letters to the editor, published in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, today, Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004.

"God truly blesses Bush's performance

No doubt God was with President Bush during the second debate. Bush was awesome--forceful but courteous, knowledgeable, concise and humorous.

Among the many reasons I will vote for Bush is that he is against "partial birth" abortion.

I believe Sept. 11 was a warning to America, and if we vote for men who condone the murder of babies, America will suffer God's wrath.

Maxine Thomas Orr, Lawrenceville"

I was wondering what had caused the 911 tragedy. How did 19 men act in unison to murder thousands of innocent people and cause collateral damage to millions. I didn't understand it in my simplemindedness. But it is good to know that Maxine Thomas Orr (who only represents a sample of the letters the AJC received of like point of view, as I understand the AJC letters policy) has sorted through the complexities and found the answer in God. Not only was God sending a message to us on Sept. 11, 2001, but the message is "Vote for John Kerry in Nov. 2004, and you'll get more of the same. Or worse."

Well now that's cleared up.

I wonder if Maxine knows that EVERYONE is against partial birth abortion. It's a lifesaving procedure in some emergencies. I guess Maxine would be pretty sure that it would be God's will for the mother to die.

I like reading the paper with breakfast in the morning. Maybe I'll do that everyday when I retire. I was feeling pretty good about retirement four years ago. Even a minimum return on my investments would have put me in position to retire at 60 and live well. Debt free with spending money. But then the Clinton era of economic prosperity and fiscal conservatism ended.

It seemed to me that before the inaugaration I remember Mr. Bush saying the economy was in terrible shape, but not to worry, he had a tax cut plan that would make things hunky dory. He sent me $600 in the mail. Since then I've lost about $125,000 from what I expected to have, minimum, in 2004. I want to send my $600 back to President Bush and trade for a decent economy. I'll not be retiring at 60 anymore. I can't see a date in the future right now when I can retire. I guess I'll retire when I'm too tired to work and make the best of it.

And don't worry about Social Security. You can make it without Social Security. In fact the government has it fixed it so teachers can't draw social security. That would be TWO government pensions don't you know. Oh I paid my 40 quarter into the system, actually more like 80 quarters, but Uncle Sam is just going to keep my money. So a teacher that works for 30 years with a master's degree in Georgia and retires can draw about $33,000 a year in retirement. That sounds like enough to live on. (If you move to Mexico).

Back to the newspaper. If the AJC is a liberal newspaper like the conservatives say, why do they bury articles that make President Dubya Bush look bad?

Today's front page says, Flu Shots are causing panic, Delta is going bankrupt sooner than they expected, the State Majority Leader, Republican Bill Stephens, has been given a record fine from the State Ethics Comission for stealing his campaign contributions, Coke and Pepsi embrace nutritional labels, and GA Polls show Bush, Isakson in the Lead (by a lot). But then a really scarey article by Brent Scowcroft (remember he was national security advisor to President George Bush, is considered Condoleezza Rice's mentor, and is a close associate of former President Bush). He blasts Dubya's handling of foreign policy in the middle east, saying Iraq is "a failing venture" and that the administration's unilateralist approach has harmed relations between Europe and the U.S. Brent is sandwiched in between a car ad and the antiques show on the next to the back page of section B.

The AJC is not a liberal newspaper.

For a real review of President Dubya Bush's record you could read the editorial endorsement of Dubya's home town Texas newspaper. They were wholehearted Dubya supporters in the last election. Doonsberry has been citing conservative writers opinions all week and this may be the most comprehensive article.


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