Thursday, December 16, 2004

It's not that I have that much to say, but I do believe that people who can write a sentence should actually write a sentence now and then. Today brought a combination of humiliation and joy. First I was recognized as the "chief of the month" in a faculty meeting. There did not seem to be any purpose for the meeting other than my painful recognition. There was some consolation in that Chuck Buckle passed the chief to me and I do have great respect for Chuck. That humiliation means they are putting my name on a sign in front of the school next to the athlete of the week, and down the block from the McDonald's burger flipper of the month. Who is it that thinks such a thing is a morale boost? If I was 15 and made $5.75 an hour, I might think it was cool. But if a professional needs that to feel good about himself, he couldn't possibly teach school. What I do is more dignified than that and I don't like my name on a sign for people to leer or cheer. I take plenty of pleasure and my morale is boosted by more subtle, harder to discover details of the fruit of my work, like the fact that I have 5 former students on full scholarship for their singing at LSU. There will be more next year.

But in stark contrast to that misunderstanding, it has been pointed out to me that my blog has been linked to a Nasa scientist's blog. I would surely link back to her's if I knew how to do such a thing. (Look for me at under Wednesday, Dec. 15). I believe such a distinction roughly offsets the ignominy of earlier in the day and so I feel the world is roughly back in balance.

Watching Letterman at 7 at night on Tivo is cool.


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