Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The difficulty of Fall Concerts in the school system, at any level, is that the conductor's expectations for music in a work can't be abridged to fit the understanding of a fledgling group. Musical aesthetic is an absolute thing too. We don't leave ourselves much room for flaws in a work of art. If it's not quite right, we move on to something else.

My students did many many wonderful things in their Fall Concert tonight. The Glee Club was powerful and sang convincingly. Their final piece was a class A piece. A class A piece for men. That just doesn't happen often. And, they are going to get much better as the year goes on.

Chamber Choir was powerful and had great moments, though I'll have to listen to the recording to decide if anything actually came together. Portions of works were marvelous, one little gem after another in Come Away to the Skies My Beloved, Arise. The Brahms was also very nice. The sopranos decided to sing it in tune.

The volume of work by McIntosh Singers was ridiculous. About four of their eight pieces were top flight, the madrigals, ubi caritas, Psalm 100, and Ah si mon moine voulait danser were all right on. We had an error or two, a couple of quick tempos, but things held together. Soloists on Duerme negrito were stunning. I have some great little singers. Ellen has really stepped up to the big time. It will be difficult for anyone to take a solo from her in the future and she has 7 more concerts. I know her parents must have been amazed, and she is so poised.

I must tell about Caroline as well. When she was a freshman, she heard singers perform the piece that she soloed on tonight. Hearing one of our Shaw award winners do that solo, she made up her mind that she wanted to sing like that herself and she began to work that direction. Then as a senior, she won the same solo for herself. That which we emulate, we become. What must the parents feel when their daughter is the soloist with this choir. They know they it is a nationally recognized choir, and their daughter is the best. It has to be a great moment for them.


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