Monday, January 30, 2006

Okay, I've been swamped. We went down to GMEA in Savannah last weekend.

Doesn't it seem to you that if the country is having a difficult time with oil costs that the oil companies should be making little or no money? Instead they make record profits for any company, ever. Is there something fishy going on? Windfall profits?

If you don't watch "The Medium", it is cool. The story lines are hard to figure.

I can't watch the lying preznit any more. His administration is a sham, rotten to the core. The Contract with America of the Republicans in 1994 has been totally corrupted. Smaller government? Ethical government? Rather, rape and pillage the country.

You know I have a really good job to offer to people and I can't get a qualified person interested. Had about 10 turn downs so far. Now people that I don't want for the job. They are interested. I'm due for a break here. It seems that it is always safer to stay where you are than to try something new. Even if you think the something new is great.

The Davidson Fine Arts School in Augusta has one of the finest high school mixed choruses in America. Top 5 I'd say.


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