Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Steven Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsberg were appointed to the Supreme Court by President Clinton back in 1993 and 1994. Many Republicans have been bringing up those nominations, saying that Republicans did not oppose those nominations, even though they appointees were liberal and Ginsberg was even an ACLU lawyer. What they do not say is that President Clinton conferred with the Republicans in congress and asked them to produce of list of "liberal judges" that they would find "acceptable." He wanted to know the names of judges that would go through confirmation without a threat of filibuster. The list came back with the names Steven Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsberg at the top of the list. President Clinton appointed those two people, right off the Republicans list.

During this administration the Democrats in congress have were not asked to make any such list of acceptable candidates. Democratic leaders did come to the White House and ask one thing about the appointment of a supreme court justice. They said that likely any nomination would be approved except that of Samuel Alito. That name alone would be cause to filibuster. Appoint anyone else in the United States. Then the preznit appointed Samuel Alito.

It is undiluted arrogance and dictator or emperor-like behavior. The preznit deserves any bad thing that comes out of it. The Democrats are criminally weak if they do not bring the government to a halt over this.


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