Saturday, May 20, 2006

English as an official language. Gay marriage bans. Illegal alien deportation. These are the trumped up in the media non-stories that we'll be hearing about daily on the TV to try and blot out death and dying in needless war in Iraq. Conservative Republicans have been disenchanted by all the horrible goings on by the party in power, to the point that they may not bother to vote in November. A disaster looms for the GOP if they cannont invigorate their base of support. They must talk about the murdous abortionists, those criminal fruit pickers, the perverted queers that want to destroy the family, and those people who dare to speak languages other than English, trying to fracture America.

We must continue to talk about, bad health care policies, record profits for drug companies and oil companies, record low taxes on billionaires, the end of privacy in America, sky-high energy prices, the most two-faced, lying administration in my memory, an administration that releases names of agents to the enemy, eaves drops on citizens, lies to the public about reasons for war, grants no bid contracts to cronies who then steal billions of dollars. There is no accounting by anyone for anything. The real scandal is that the media only covers these horrors for an evening then they cover Brittney Spears the next day.


At 10:15 AM, Blogger NYC Educator said...

I guess if you blame the right people, you can get away with pretty much anything.


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