Friday, June 02, 2006

The world is not as it should be. There is so much, so wrong, that it is difficult to respond to anything. Corruption and graft are overwhelming. Why not eliminate contributions by lobbyists to elected officials? I can't think of a reason. I guess it goes back to the line, "Could I take you to dinner so I could talk to you about some issues?" That sounds reasonable. But now it's "Can I fly you and your family to Scotland for two weeks, pay all your expenses? And shoot, I'm not even going to be there to talk to you, but you know how I want you to vote."

I didn't notice the announcement about ABC news becoming a Repubican party mouthpiece. They are much more subtle than Pravda (Fox "News"), but they are now consistently more kind to the preznit than other news organizations. Reality Based Educator pointed out that yesterday their financial wizard told us that things were going really well financially, whether ordinary citizens believed it so or not. We are making less (talk to a Delta pilot), we have lost health benefits, pensions are shrinking or disappearing, corporate big wigs make 250 million a year, (because they work really hard). [Wait I work really hard too. I'm so tired on Saturday that all I can do is lay around and try to recuperate.] So your health care deductable has gone up to $500 a person this year, and your premium has also gone up. And you are complaining because the medicine your doctor wants you to take isn't covered under the plan and they are $15 a pill. ABC's polls always show more support for the country's leadership than any other outlet. How do they do that? It looks like they'd accidentally have numbers in the pack sometimes. Do they actually take a poll or just revise Gallup's numbers up a few points?

Republican based government corruption seems to be at all time highs for corruption by anyone. Perhaps the Democrats had been at the trough so long that they had learned to skim off the top without creating a stir. The poor Republicans came to power in '94 and have been so joyful at their newfound positions after decades of being on the outside that they have gone crazy lapping up the public dole. No more taxes for the rich. Huzzah! A six figure job for every crony, and hey, don't even bother going to work. No-bid contracts for billions to our favorite companies and campaign contributors, and don't bother building anything with the billions. It can just be "missing" and we'll call it war related losses.

My head is swimming in the financial excesses of these people. How did Republicans turn us from "in the black" to "a sea of red." And don't say 911. Totally a bunch of bull. That's not where the money has gone. We've airconditioned garbage trucks in Des Moines with our 911 money. Whoo ha! Line up at the trough. Slurp, slurp.

And we are supposed to justify this rampant corruption and waste by crying out "abortion, welfare, gay marriage, the GOP will save you."

And did I mention that there is a war. Just take 60 seconds and think about the war in Iraq. Come on, you can do it. Pause. . . . . . . . How are we going to justify this? Don't you know that troop withdrawals will be showcased in September and October to build up support for the election.

Can you remember back to the Nixon tapes? Nixon asked Kissinger if we should go ahead and get out of Viet Nam before the election. But Kissinger said no. We need it as a campaign issue. You might not be re-elected if you end the war. So they waited. Thousands died, but the Republicans maintained the executive office.

Things are even worse now.

It makes me want to cry out.


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