Monday, July 17, 2006

Okay, so you have heard the story that millions and millions has been wasted in Iraq, but you don't really believe it. Surely they are working hard, it's just that conditions are difficult in the extreme and so some of their efforts are fruitless. I imagine power plants being worked on by day only to be sabatoged by the insurrection at night. I've even heard, "two steps forward, one step back" parrotted on the news. Truthfully though, that is not what is going on. Remember Katrina? Remember FEMA. Remember the leadership installed by this administration and their qualifications for the job? Now think forward to Iraq. Sixty minutes broadcast this during the winter, but I missed it. The re-run showed up last week. Here is the down and dirty story of where the money is going in Iraq. . . to war profiteering. Millions is given away in cash with no accounting for what gets done and not even a legitimate contract. Okay if you are hiring a guy to steam clean your sidewalks, maybe you have him write the contract on a napkin, but is that the kind of contract you should have for 15 million dollars? Click on the link and step into the real world of Republican contracts.


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