Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Perhaps you saw the graffitti artist the other day who scrawled three angry, profanity laced comments in my comments section because of my political point of view. He didn't have a point, just lots of namecalling. It's hard to imagine my blog being that important to a stranger.

Why do I write? Mostly because it allows me to express my thoughts, organize them "on paper." It helps me understand what I think about things. You have to sort out your ideas to write them down. I haven't written much political opinion lately. The situation is so overwhelming at the moment that I don't know what to say. The complaints against the current administration have gotten so long that it has turned into a laundry list. I don't know how to address so many things at once. I have heard the Republicans complain that the Democrats should be investigated concerning the political timing of all these things that are coming out in the media daily. But I really haven't heard much from the Democrats. They seem to be following the strategy of "give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves." And it is working.

Remember ole Gideon in the Bible. He didn't have the forces to defeat the Amorites (or whoever Israel was up against. I'm afraid I didn't re-read Judges to identify the bad guys). So he just posted musicians and torch-bearers around them and made all the noise he could in the dead of night and then the high-tailed it out there I imagine. Make a little noise and shed some light in the darkness and you really break down your enemies at times. That created enough confusion amid a group drunk with wine (drunk on power?) soldiers to end their take over.

Thank goodness there is still enough media to put torch-light to the Republican party excesses. Me? I'm just a bugle blower.


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