Thursday, October 25, 2007

The preznit now has 755,000 names on our terrorist watch list. Really? There are 755,000 known terrorists to watch out for? Of course you know that Ted Kennedy and John Lewis are on the list and get stopped and searched at airports.

Remember when all those islamic charity groups were shut down, their assests seized and their leaders charged with aiding terrorists. The government went to court to close them presenting "secret" evidence that the defendents never saw and could not defend themselves against. The judge ruled in the governments favor. How does one defend onesself against evidence you cannot see? Now the leaders of one group have been tried in Dallas with 197 charges against them. This time evidence had to be presented in court. Defendants were acquitted on all 197 charges. The government has a nice theory, but zero evidence that Islamic charities are anything other than charities. Great.

I see on CNBC this morning that the administration is putting on a new dog and pony show today, saying that virtually all trade with Iran secretly funds state sponsored terrorism by that country and aids them in their efforts to secure nuclear weapons and long range ballistic missles. They'll not be presenting any evidence in this case either.

Secretary of State Rice met with Jimmy Carter yesterday to get advice on the Israeli-Palistinian peace process. Pretty desperate move on the Repub's part, but they are trying to avoid complete and utter failure of the talks. President Carter declined their invitation to get involved at this point. When President Carter won't go in, things are not right.

The non-partisan office of management and budget said yesterday that the Iraq-Afghanistan conflicts will cost 2.4 trillion dollars to American taxpayers over the next 10 years. A trillion seems similar to a billion and is only three letters different from a million. But a trillion is a million millions. If you or I had a million dollars. We'd be retired. I noticed that 1.2 billion was totally unaccounted for in budget for training new Iraqi military. Where did that money go? Must have misplaced it.

Today the paper (AJC) reported that a 38 million dollar computer system that we have provided for the government in Iraq to do their accounting has been down for a month. No one has noticed. We have decided not to spend any money getting it back up since no one uses it.

The insanity, corruption, and evil of this administration has no parallel in American history.

One of my neighbors has a sticker on his car window:
1/20/2009 The end of an error.


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