Thursday, October 18, 2007

There you have the Republican campaign strategy rolled out all in one day. We've got to stop Iran from having nuclear capability or we'll have world war. The drums of war, already beating for losing campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, are now crescendoing against Iran. And of course the nutcase, "we have no homosexuals" president of that country, teaming with the evil Russian Pootin', just fans the flames of fear. The purpose? To raise a question to the top of the campaign rhetoric: Who can best protect you from the terrorists, Rudy the Great or Hillary the girl?

The problem is . . . this ain't the right question. It's not even one of the top ten questions. In ganstuh talk, "fuhgetaboutit!" Iran isn't close to nuclear capability. We must focus on getting out of the mess of Iraqistan and rebuilding and resupplying our worn out armies, destroyed by the Bush Administration. How are we going to do that? That would be a good question.

I heard Repubs on the radio today saying that they expect Democrats to have a 58 to 42 majority in the senate following the next election. That isn't enough. Somehow we have to come up with 2 more senators in order to push aside the Repubs and repair the country. Back to peace. Back to fiscal sanity. The Repubs can go the way of the Whigs.

If the preznit insists on attacking Iran, someone in our government must stop him. We must make it clear that Attack Iran = Impeachment. First democratic candidate to say that has my vote. There is a crisis at the top. Impeachment times 2. Swift and final. We can get it done in a week. President Pelosi.


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