Saturday, September 22, 2007

Was the media more trustworthy when I was young? Perhaps I was just more unsuspecting. I love that portion of the population, bless their hearts, that thinks Fox News is telling the "truth" and that everyone else is part of the liberal media conspiracy to destroy the United States of America.

The media today does weird things. For example, in Georgia we are supposedly having a DROUGHT. We have watering restrictions which limit us from watering. How much can we water? We can water for 10 hours a day, three days a week. My community has the "green" areas maintained by a service. Boy do they know what they are doing. We have the thickest, greenest sod I've ever "owned." Technically, it is my yard, but other people feed it, weed it, cut it, edge it, blow it away. All this in a drought. I've come to understand that a drought in Georgia means that we get only 40 inches of annual rainfall instead of 60 inches. Of course when we have "normal" rainfall, the whole state is under a mildew alert. Now this shortage in rain may make it harder for farmers to grow stuff. I'm almost certain of it. But if you have irrigation, you can grow whatever you want.

Now transfer the media hoopla on drought over to the "war on terror." The preznit gets on television EVERY DAY (like he has some big important news other than touting himself and bashing all democrats), to tell us he is a WAAAAR PRESIDENT. He has placed us in a situation so that he can assure that a dozen or more American soldiers will be killed each week in order to make us understand the seriousness of what he is doing. And yet no war is going on. There is no enemy. "Mission Accomplished" was so long ago that people have forgotten it. No one knows why Osama bin Laden (And what does that name mean anyway? Is he Osama from Laden, or Osama son of Laden, or Osama who makes Laden. I don't know. Why doesn't someone tell us about the name. I mean at least with Ludwig Van Beethoven I know that the name derived from nobility.) No one knows why Osama isn't important anymore, except that we can't find him. But hey, we capture the new number 2 guy in Iraq, every week.

First WAR was to remove Sadaam, then to secure the country and have elections, and now it's to . . . I don't even know. Meanwhile how does this affect the non-military of us back home. Are there WAR BOND drives? Are there shortages? Is the draft coming back? Are there taxes to support the war effort? Well no, we are doing just fine, thank you. Not even renewed fair taxation of the rich is necessary. The stock market is just below it's all time high, threatening to reach new heights.

Robert Gates doesn't know if the war is a good idea, and he's secretary of defense. David Petraeus doesn't know if we are any safer because of the war. We are inconveniently delayed at airports to make us afraid. We are stopped and searched if our name is Ted Kennedy or John Lewis. Port security? Naaah! Border Security? Ridiculous! Not even the freight on airplanes get's screened. Seriously. Old ladies can't have a bottle of water, but freight is not screened.

If there was a real media today, they'd be ripping this stuff to shreds.

I'm sure that "War on Terror" means something to politicians. But it doesn't mean anything to us. Just "scarey" words.

Okay one last thing. I keep seeing in the media how smart George W. Bush is. He has a degree from Yale, a Masters from Harvard, and can fly an F-102 fighter jet. But get real. You know that is made up. He got into Yale because of who his daddy is. I suspect he attended class the same as he did the National Guard, you know, if it was convenient and he was in the same state at the time. But I've heard him talk and I'm absolutely certain that he can't write a paper that would have passed in any class that I took. He admittedly doesn't read and would rather his aides just give him an oral summary. He doesn't read, because he can't force himself to do it. Sounds ADHD to me. BUT THE FIGHTER JET IS THE REAL GIVE AWAY. You know for certain that if the preznit COULD fly a fighter jet, he WOULD fly one almost every week, just to show us how tough he is. His cowboy, testosterone laden approach to life would demand it. In fact, this lack of flying is a great testimony to the whole falsehood of this presidency. The guy is a lie.


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