Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Make war. Be tough. It is the American way.

John McCain, in an effort to portray himself as a military leader made the statement this week that "we are all Georgians." In the absence of any presidential leadership, McCain is assuming the mantel, hoping that by pretending to be a tough guy he can win more votes. He even sent envoys, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham to Georgia. McCain slandered Obama by saying that Obama was willing to lose a war to get votes. Well McCain is willing to start a war to get votes.

Senators do not send envoys nor negotiate peace accords. McCain will use equally poor judgement as a president.

He also claims to be a Teddy Roosevelt Republican. But he better look at Roosevelt again. Roosevelt was one of America's first and best conservationists and returned campaign contributions from oil companies. McCain's "drill here, drill now," comments were clearly an appeal to oil companies and they promptly responded with millions of dollars of campaign contributions.

Why give away more public land to oil companies that already own 68,000,000 acres of oil leases on land that they are not drilling on. Don't be mistaken, they think there is oil on that land or they wouldn't have leased it. They just aren't drilling. Why. To keep oil prices high. Sixty-eight million is an unfathomable number. They are allowed to drill in 95% of the artic, so of course, they want access to the other 5%. Sad.

I'll add my voice to the calls for a Manhattan project for alternative fuels, especially hydrogen which seems to already be working but only lacks a delivery system, i.e. hydrogen stations. We could use the money that we have been giving in subsidies to the oil companies, or tax the record profits they have made on the hardships of Americans.


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