Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who would think that I would feel disconnected from evangelical Christians? My parents didn't select their churches based on whether they were rightwing fundamentalists or not, because we were members of a right wing church and then a moderate church. It was based on the worship style and the youth programs for my sister and I. The evangelical right wing base which was highly influential on my life as a child and teenager is today a stranger to me. I can't figure out their issues. I can't figure out why they think it is okay to lie and cheat to try to hold on to their position. Why is it important to them that Darwin's theory of evolution be false? Why would they take their child out of school where evolution is taught? Darwin didn't even believe in his theory. He said that if it were true then the geological strata would be filled with missing links and they are not. It is a theory and all. The natural selection part of it seems clear enough. Everyone can see that. The species jumping part is more problematic. Maybe such a thing happens. Maybe it doesn't. Who cares?

How did abortion get to be such a big issue? It wasn't an issue at all when it was a crime. Yes we did have piles of kids in orphanages, dropped off unwanted. Yes we had girls who died by the thousands from back alley abortions--girls who couldn't risk going forward with a baby. So they died taking a chance on living. And lots of married ladies died during pregnancy because of complications that today are solved by abortion. Too bad for all those women and unwanted orphans. But they had no advocates. They didn't get in the newspaper. They inspired no protestors.

How did gun ownership become such an issue? Are we really concerned that if they government knows about our guns that they will come and take them from us? Do we need secret guns? Do we need machine guns? Do civilians need armor piercing bullets? Isn't it funny that the political party that advocates for guns has largely destroyed the check and balance system of government and moved us three giant steps toward fascism and away from democracy. I find that ironic anyway.

How can 25% of the country still think that invading Iraq was a good idea? The same people are glad the preznit made a speech this week telling Russia not to invade Georgia. What are you Russians thinking? What would it mean to "win" the Iraq war? Couldn't we just say we won and come home? Why aren't we trying to catch Osamma Bin Laden?

There are actually people, evangelical Christians mostly, who believe George Bush 44 will go down as one of America's greatest presidents.

I think it's possible that I never knew these people, I just hung out with them for awhile as a kid.


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