Tuesday, July 08, 2008

"Elite." You are going to hear that a lot during the next few months. The democratic party is led by New England elitists (leftist, communists, socialists). "Harvard" is a big scarey word. We went to Harvard while in Boston a few years ago. It was like college, but bigger. Huge buildings. Beautiful campus. I tried to walk into the Library, but alas, no ID, no admittance, not even to walk around. Lots of tourists I guess. I'm depressed that people who have college degrees (journalists, republican politicians) would use education as a wedge issue. They always talk about getting vouchers for the children to go to private, religious, creationist, no sex education, all-white, all the same economic class, schools, so they can get the "proper" education at a government subsidized cost, but even assuming that that is a good thing (gag, wretch), apparently they would also warn you about that child going on to college where the liberal professors might turn their little pliable minds into socialists and make them "elitists." Apparently if you struggle and grow up in a single parent household, earn your way to college and get into Harvard, you are not living the American dream, rather YOU ARE AN EVIL ELITIST.

Ask every mom and dad in America if they would like it if their kid grew up and went to Harvard. See how many would cower back and say "Ooooo. Noooo! Not that." They'd all say, "Wow! My little Johnnie. My little Susie."

In the future, when you read the word "elitist" in the paper, just substitute the word, college-educated.


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