Thursday, September 25, 2008

We have been wondering what October Surprise the Repubs would bring to try and influence the presidential election. Okay, so they are a week early. Every few hours now the preznit comes on TV with a regal backdrop to read slowly and carefully through the script someone has written for him. He repeats the word "crisis" for effect. I have to admit, he makes me nervous. Should I go to the bank today and take out all my cash? Will Wachovia be open on Monday? Or will I have to figure out how to apply to the FDIC to get my money at some future date, maybe months from now. Will my credit rating be destroyed by then because we can't pay our bills? I don't know what to do. But I'll say this. If you have money that you can take out in cash today and you don't have any operating cash at home. Go get several thousand dollars in cash and take it home today. If the banks are fine on Monday, you can put it back. If the Banks fail this week end, neither your checkbook nor your debit card are any good.

I heard yesterday that about 1/3 of the banks failed to create the great depression. There was no FDIC at the time and all investors just lost all their money. Hopefully the FDIC will work.

So with the boy who cried "Wolf" still running the show (Weapons of mass destruction! I'm a war president! Stockpiles of chemical weapons! Nucular weapons! The war will pay for itself! Al Quaida in Iraq!) there is zero confidence that the ship is actually about to run on the rocks. He has no standing to say anything and even the 28% approval rating crowd is abandoning him in his final days. While I'll continue to call them the 28%ers because ALL my relatives seem to be in that crowd wholeheartedly and it seems like they alone are 28%, the preznit's actual approval rating was at 19% yesterday.

McCane was down 12% in a new poll out today and he's suspending his campaign to rush to Washington (actually he hasn't made it there since April, but maybe they'll hold the vote for him) and appear to be leading the Repubs somehow. He's cancelled the Vice Presidental debate because of the crisis.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That is a funny one don't you think? You had to know that was coming. She's in a political science rehab program trying to teach her something about the way the government works, because she knows NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING (5 colleges in 6 years to get a bachelor's degree. Who does that? Do you know someone else who went to 5 colleges to get their bachelor's? I don't. Why do you go to 5 colleges? Well it's because you flunked out of several, maybe 4. We'll wait on the release of her transcripts).

And did you see the conditions under which the Treasury secretary wants to accept 700 billion dollars!!!!!!!? First and foremost . . . (you guessed it) NO OVERSIGHT. So he's standing there saying. "Look, we absolutely wrecked the ship of state, the USS United States of America. She's on the shoals. But you give me 700 billion to spread among my campaign supporters (Believe me Haliburton subsidiaries will get their share) or else I condemn you and you leftist leaning citizens to the great depression on steroids."

You've done a heckofa job Georgie.


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