Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let's be clear. Sarah Palin is the queen of earmarks. She has never been against earmarks, rather as mayor of a small Alaskan town and as governor of Alaska, she has worked actively to successfully secure more Federal money for her constiuents than any other politician. She made $200,000,000.00 in requests this year for her 600,000 population state and that request is down $50,000,000.00 from last year.

Sarah Palin campaigned for governor by supporting the bridge to nowhere. She wore T-shirts to support it, made speeches. When it became a national embarrassment the U.S. Congress withdrew support for the project, but allowed Palin to keep $230,000,000.00 for that project or any other project she wanted. Since the bridge was going to cost an additional hundred million or so that the state would have to bring to the table, Palin withdrew her support, kept all the money and spent it elsewhere. She spent $10,000,000.00 plus on a road to the bridge after it was clear there would be no bridge. Go figure. I mean it was just ten million, right?

As an executive, she has fired numerous career employees, some because they would not take illegal orders from her. She has harrassed a former brother in law with all the power of the governor's office. She has an attorney on a
hundred thousand dollar retainer to defend her from criminal charges in this matter.

Sarah Palin has a checkered past at best, attending 5 or 6 colleges (no one seems to be sure how many) before graduating. She eloped as a pregnant young woman herself and her daughter is reliving that difficulty now thrust on a national stage by her unthinking parents.

Sarah has for most of her life been a member of the Assembly of God denomination. Pentacostal. Holy Rollers. Charismatics. They have very specific and unusual beliefs that most Christians, if they knew about them, would find ridiculous or even stupid. The hair style is part of her religion. Just as weird as the Mormon cult that was recently in the news. Videos of what passes for worship at her church are nothing less than shocking--members claiming to heal cancer victims in healing services.

What Sarah Palin does not lack is self confidence or an ability to smile while telling outrageous lies to TV cameras. At best she is a minitature Jesse Ventura style governor. At worst she a pitiful woman thrust forward in the falsehood that the Republican party represents women in some way, when it actually hates women. Palin herself is described as the anti-feminist.

Palin is an advocate of teaching creationism in schools, she is for abstinence only sex education (worked well for her family), and she raised taxes in Alaska by a large amount. She is a faux candidate.

When confronted by the lies about her campaign positions, she and John McCain have said they are not lying that they are telling the truth. Everyone can see they are lying.

Say the lie. Own it. Repeat it. Defend it. Be indignant when challenged. Condemn those who challenge you. Repeat the process as often as possible. Thank you Karl Rove.

Please America, don't fall for it again.


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