Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe Sixpack, Joe the Plumber, Can I call you Joe?

Who goes to a political rally? Fans of the candidate, that's who! And, protesters. So we get this video sound bite of a plumber talking with the candidate on the ropeline saying how he works long hours and wanted to buy the plumbing company that he has worked for for many years, but with Obama's tax increases on small business, he cannot buy the company. Well the tax increase on small companies making over $250,000 a year is only going up three percent. And only 3% of small businesses make that much money.

When you check on Joe you find that:

1. He has no plumbers liscense at any level and he isn't even qualified to work legally in Toledo with a plumbing company.

2. He makes far less than $250K a year. His company does not make this amount either. His taxes are actually going to go down under Obama.

3. The company itself might cost Joe $250K if he were a plumber and could buy it.

Face it. Joe the plumber is a political plant. He was there to say his words to Obama on the line, get it recorded, and turn it over to the Repubs so McCain could use his name 25 times in the debate. It was supposed to anger small businessmen. It was all a lie. Joe doesn't like Barack Obama, but it isn't because of the reason he gave on camera. His real rationale remains a secret.

How about the ACORN accusations on Fox News. Now mentioned over 1200 times on this "news" channel. This group is supposedly stealing the election for Obama. This is nothing but crap. ACORN itself is identifying names that are registered and appear spurious. They have flagged about 1% of their new registrations, approximately 13 thousand of 1.3 million names. Nevertheless laws require that all the names be submitted to state registrars. Micky Mouse has been registered. While this is stupid, it will not result in voter fraud because Micky Mouse will not show up at the polls with identification and vote. It is clear that ACORN employees have found a way to get paid more by making false registrations, but making up names for a list does not constitute voter fraud. These made up names will not vote. It is just annoying.

The real travesty is that voter registration is so difficult to do that only 71% of qualified white Americans are registered, only 61% of black Americans, 50 and 40 % of Hispanic and Asian Americans. Now that is a story about voter suppression and election fraud. We need purple finger dye and no registrations so the people can vote.

Fox is busy pushing this story because it is now clear to them that Obama is going to win this election in a landslide. Their story will be that the greatest election fraud in American history has stolen the presidency. That is actually true. It happened in 2000.


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