Sunday, October 24, 2004

Why does no one say to President Bush "911 happened on your watch?" I just heard Republicans spinning toward the election say that intelligence crashed during the 90's allowing 911 to happen. Uh, I believe that Dubya had been President of the United States for some time on 9/11/01 and it is clear that his administration was doing nothing to improve intelligence, in fact they were ignoring intelligence about planes flying into buildings. Shouldn't he just say "This happened on my watch. I should have been more vigilant. I'll catch the perpetrators. It won't happen again." If we follow the same logic of the Republican spin does that mean any future terrorism in the next 4 to 8 years should be blamed on the current president, not on whoever is in office then.

Did I hear Cheney say into the microphone, if Americans make the wrong choice for president it is likely to happen again?

Does that mean, vote for my team or die?

This week there was a story that the major funding for the Iraq insurrgency is coming from Saudi Arabia. What does Dubya have to say about that? {nothing so far}

Shouldn't we say that the terrorism is the fault of the terrorists?

If George Bush is more likely to protect us from terror, why didn't he help protect us during Viet Nam? Why didn't he sign up to fight? Why did he stop showing up for the National Guard? Why wasn't he put in jail for being AWOL? Why does no one ask President Bush "How many times have you been arrested?" I understand there is a considerable reward available for anyone who will ask him that question. Have we had other presidents who have been arrested?

Where is Osama bin Laden and why aren't we in hot pursuit of him?

Why does no one ask why the stock market is down 2300 during this administration? Dubya tells me the economy is doing great, but I'm losing money every day. Who has my money?


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