Sunday, March 13, 2005

The popcorn trees are blooming (Bradford pears). Today is a Spring day in Atlanta. 70 degrees. That means the redbuds can't be far behind, and then the dogwoods and azaeleas.

We are busy moving car load after car load of things out of the house and over to the new. We are moving all the things you can't see. Closets and storage areas, and things that are hiding in cabinets. Two car loads of Carter's things went up to north Atlanta last night. I've never moved like this before. It's always been loading day and work like a maniac. When moving day comes in 25 days, almost all our stuff will already be over in Peachtree City.

We are already warmly attached to the new place. It is beautiful and quiet. We've been sitting out in the sunroom with the windows open and listening to the birds. We met the Tates today, our next door neighbors to the left. I met Mildred M a couple of days ago our neighbor to the right.

One cool thing about moving is that you find lots of things that you have forgotten about. Oh I remember that jacket. Wow! Look at this box of photos. We are making the front room a music room and some of my music books that have been out of sight are coming out on to shelves where I may look at them more often. Now we need to start hoping for a buyer for our old house.


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