Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm starting to get panicky about the nearly open corruption of the current Republican Party which is ruling our country at nearly every level. It reminds me of totalitarian dictatorships that I have read about in the past in foreign countries. Laws are meaningless. Criminals are not even prosecuted. Crimes are simply denied. No investigations are ongoing. Newspapers report the exact opposite of the truth. Allegations and bad news is buried on page 13 in small print or simply omitted. Members of the Democratic Party are blamed as the "real" problem makers. The senario that is playing out, the doublespeak, is the same as what I remember coming out of the news agencies in the Soviet Union in the 60's and the 70's, Tass and Pravda. We'd read their stories and laugh at their audacity because they were the exact opposite of the truth. Now it is happening in the United States. And you can forget the liberal media crap. Any liberals are shut up, shut out, or missing in action. (Twenty-eight members of congress called a press conference the other day on capitol hill. When the time for the conference arrived, not a single member of the press had shown up to cover their conference. Not a single member of the press. If anyone says the words "liberal media" you know that they belong to the enemy.)

The GOP is so firmly entrenched, ruling most statehouses, controlling both houses of congress, the whitehouse, and now, clearly, the judiciary as well. They have the money, they are shifting the voting districts to box in the Democrats, they are controlling who votes and how the votes are counted. There is only one point of view on everything and it is coming from an oligarchy on the top.

The oligarchy has ceased to avoid the appearance of evil. They are evil and just deny it. The war is wrapping up. The air and water are cleaner. The treaties we want will be good for you. The treaties we fail to ratify, which are already ratified by the rest of the civilized world, are bad for us. The treaties we have already signed but now ignore don't apply to us right now. These judges have the best records in the country (They always rule as we tell them). Amnesty international was great when they were citing the Soviet Union or other countries. Now that they are citing us they are a pariah. I'm surprised they aren't calling them commies. Oh thats right, "commies" is out of style, it's "terrorists" that our enemies are today. If they find my blog, I'll be called a terrorist. Or you'll tune into Chorusline one day and find only a blank page. I'll be gone.

We have become an empire and are ruled by caesar. FDR is being characterized in the legitimate press as an evil or foolish leader. Social Security is on the way out. Is democracy a thing of the past for the United States? Certainly no one thinks elections are free and honest do they? I think I can see the precipace from here. We are close. Too close. Does anyone else see it too?


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