Saturday, May 28, 2005

I have some questions. What can I do about the fact that American media is driven by corporate agendas and is failing to give coverage to the massive failures of government under the current administration? How can we have 23 Americans killed in Iraq this week and it not be news? How is it that we are not allowed to see these soldiers come home, by executive order of the President of the United States? How can he order us not to think about their sacrifice? How can this administration block all coverage of Iraq?

How can we accept as "okay" the fact that this administration told us it had no plans for war when it was telling Great Britain that the decision for war had been made already, but the public just had to be softened up, months and months before the war?

How can we attack Arab people who have not attacked us because some other Arab people from other countries attacked us? How can we ignore genocide in Sudan? What are we doing in Iraq? Will there ever be a time in my lifetime when we do not have American soldiers in Iraq? Why are we in Iraq? What is our purpose there now? Have we created a morass that we can never escape from?

Why are none of these questions in the Atlanta Journal? Why can conservative "journalists" lie at will and no one call them into account? Why is the administration paying journalists to put forward propaganda that supports their positions without making that practice known? When will people realize that the media in the country is controlled by corporate America and that progressive thinkers actually have no voice whatsoever?

Isn't it time to start fighting back? Isn't it time to get people in the street? Isn't it time to be the opposition to some of these horrible policies? Does anyone know any reason that George Bush wanted to invade Iraq, other than to be a bully, and create a war that would help ensure his re-election as president? How many thousands had to die to re-elect George Bush? 100,000? More? Is George Bush the same as Saddam Hussain?

He seems pretty close to me.


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