Monday, June 20, 2005

In talking about critters in Waycross, I failed to mention the most interesting ones that we saw constantly around the house. Frogs, lizards and dragon flies. The frogs are lime green, not too large. They can walk right up the wall with their sticky feet and they bark about as loud as Dad's dog. An amazing amount of sound comes out of them. In the night they create a huge symphony of sound. They pay no attention to people and are not afraid.

The lizards come in the ordinary varieties you have seen around, about 6 inches and sorta greenish. Some of them change colors, the chameleons everyone talks about, and some that don't seem to change (skinks? I don't know because I am not a lizard authority). But there is also the extraordinary lizard on the car port. Very fast and very skiddish, he startles us with his quick flights to hiding places when we surprise him. This fellow is BIG. I'd say 12 to 14 inches, and big around, not slender. He's black. I wonder what the heck he is.

Finally and most amazingly there are the "skeeter hawks" or dragon flies." Surely Leonardo da Vinci had seen them prior to his drawings of helicopter like machines, way back when. They hover, they dart left and right. They pause unafraid next to you on a branch or stem of grass or even in mid-air. If there are two alike, I cannot tell it. There seem to be infinite variety of colors, yellow, green, blue, black, and other shimmering combinations. They have great "bug" eyes that we would ascribe to interplanetary visitors, and four legs to go with their four amazing gossamer wings. The wings are wonderful when in a blur of motion or when still, a transparent wonder in themselves.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger carter said...

What kind of lizard was it? Did it have stripes? Could have been a race runner.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

I didn't see stripes, he just looked black, however, he moved really fast and it was hard to analyze. He was big and black and had legs, not a snake and had the wiggling gate of lizards. I looked on the internet but could not identify him in my research.


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