Friday, September 02, 2005

Finally on the fifth day after the hurricane, water and food arrives in the area. One of the FEMA truck drivers said that he loaded the truck on Monday but his bosses delayed him coming from Texas to New Orleans until today, Friday. I don't see any reason to comment on that.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Dr. F said...

I feel I must add my agreement to DrG's sentiments about the tragedy. I keep trying to imagine what it would be like to be displaced, searching for food and water in a disaster zone. I am afraid I would get awfully cranky and hard to be around. The lack of speed on the relief to these souls is apalling!

It is not like FEMA/Homeland Security did not know that there was a hurricane on its way...heck, there was a huge rotating blob on the map for days... they should have had troops and trucks loaded and waiting in Texas and North MS and LA, ready to roll as soon as the storm passed over. Duh!


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