Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I'm already getting email that says that the situation in New Orleans is the result of the Welfare State. I see it as the result of generations of institutionalized racism. New Republican talking point--"They're playing the blame game." Look out George. It ain't a game.

There has never been the derth of leadership at the top of this country that there is currently. We should not have gone to Iraq. We did it under false pretenses. It was clearly illegal. But even at that we should have been in and out of Iraq in a year. There is no clearly defined mission. How can we ever have "mission accomplished." When it will help an election, we'll get out. If we are going to be over there, why not move in another 100,000 men and actually take control of the place. You shouldn't be able to place a roadside bomb without us seeing you and killing you.


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