Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Pizza and popcorn are still considered staples around here. How can I expect to live to be 54?

Miers looks like she'll pass the confirmation process but is forced off the scene by (right) wing-nuts. No hearings and no votes allowed. The Democrats are mistified at what happens, conservatives attacking conservatives. They realize that this is potentially worse for them than the unproven person who was the preznit's first choice. So they asked the preznit only one thing. Appoint anyone, sir, but not Alito. For him there will be anger and an all out battle. The preznit then appoints Alito. No one else will do. Then the same people who forced Miers offstage in a bums rush say to the Democrats. We want a straight up or down vote on Alito and soon!

I now hear that the "escaped" Al-qaida prisoner was scheduled to testify about abuse. But oops, he got away. The other two witnesses are 1. dead and 2. released and can't be found. Okay, case dismissed.

There is no limit to the hipocrasy nor the corruption of this administration.


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