Sunday, January 01, 2006

You let these things slip by you, one at a time. You don't count them and they add up after awhile. Since it's New Year's Day you probably think I'm talking about years going by, but I'm not. But here's the list.

What the current administration is failing to do:
Give us the truth about reasons for going to war.
Do their homework about Iraq, the people, the culture, what to expect.
They aren't keeping up with the money. Billions are missing. oops.
They aren't prosecuting war profiteering (treason).
They didn't provide troops with armor.
They aren't providing needed Veterans benefits.
They lied about Jessica Lynch's capture.
They lied about how Pat Tillman died.
They lied about who placed the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
They said terrorist attacks were at an all time low when they were at an all time high.
They aren't counting civilian casualties in Iraq (Johns Hopkins says now 100,000) resulting from operation Iraqi Freedom.
They aren't listening to military commanders who have asked for more troops.
They have lied saying that the commanders haven't asked for more troops.
They have planned ways to torture people, all the way up to Rumsfeld.
They have lied about torturing people.
Rumsfeld hasn't even signed letters of condolence to the families of those killed in action. He uses an "auto pen."
Rumsfeld lied about not signing the letters.
They send out the right wing media to say that anyone critical of the administration is a terrorist sympathizer.

Why has the Republican congress signed off on all this? We have to turn them out. We need checks and balances. We need investigations. We aren't going to get them.

Apologies to Al Franken for borrowing his list. Page 287-88 of The Truth with Jokes.


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