Friday, December 16, 2005

So after hearing the whitehouse say for months that they couldn't comment on an ongoing investigation (the CIA leak affair), now we have the preznit saying to the press and the nation "Tom DeLay is innocent." Uh . . . isn't that a comment on an ongoing investigation? Isn't that a call to all loyal Republicans who might find themselves on the DeLay jury to hold out the innocent verdict for good ole Tom? Could it be considered jury tampering?

Now we also find that Bob Novak is saying that he is confident that the preznit knows who leaked the CIA information. Didn't the preznit tell us he would immediately fire anyone who was responsible. Does that mean he looked at us on the TV and lied about a matter of national importance? Can impeachment be far behind? Well the answer to that one is yes. Impeachment won't be considered by our unbelieveably corrupt goverment.


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