Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's difficult to understand our government these days. And the media. And the American people. We are a fast food society and our goverment failings are digested on the run and forgotten about.

Katrina was not mentioned in the state of the union address. Only 2000 of 85,000 refugees there have recieved requested trailers for long term temporary housing. The media didn't mention it wasn't mentioned until today. There was no mention of the number of casaulties in Iraq.

Ethics violations are out of the news. Negative savings among Americans didn't find its way into the speech.

The preznit is now stumping the country, defending record oil profits. They never had it so good. We never had it so bad. Something is wrong with that.

When is it that we'll be able to withdraw from Iraq? There seems no purpose there. There are no goals. Our soldiers remain to infuriate the locals and to serve as targets. Why aren't the preznit's kids over there, and memebers of congress, what about their children?

New polls show the preznit with a 39% approval rating. That's amazing to me. I guess the anti abortion movement is giving him thumbs up for Alito. But face it, he's killing most of us. His approval rating shouldn't be over 5% to my mind. My retirement accounts are barely back in the black after 5 years of his leadership. I had counted on them for a good retirement. Now they'll only be a supplement. Maybe they will pay my heat bill. And the preznit thinks social security should be that way for everyone, no sure bet but rather a risky investment. If things go bad well then the old folks can live in shacks until they die.

I loved this op-ed piece in the Atlanta Journal today. It's from one of the 39% ers. It speaks for itself.

Democrats, media undercut safety

America is not safer today, but the reasons [sic] dramatically different from those stated in the AJC's flawed analysis ("Today, is America really safer?" Editorial, Feb.1)

From the day President Bush took office, Democrats have done everything they can to smear, malign and denigrate him. Instead of working together to fix the problems that led to Sept. 11, they are trying to make it harder for the government to eavesdrop on know al-Qaida operatives.

Rather than support our troops and build their morale, they have called for retreat. Now they portray the successes in Iraq and Afghanistan as failures, all in the quest to regain the power they lust for.

No, we aren't safer, and until Democrats and their enablers in the press realize that the end does not justify the means, we will never be.


So then I'm to believe that the Democrats are the caustic partisan party?
The Democrats use the end justifies the means campaigning (think swift boats).
The Democrats don't support American forces abroad.
Working together means what? Has the preznit ever offered dialogue or compromise on any issue?
Retreat from a quagmire is bad?
Democrats LUST for power? (Well then Republicans LUST for money and for women--think oil profits, drug profits, Jack Abramoff, and Newt Gingrich's wives). Do you think Newt's current wife thinks he doesn't have a girlfried?


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