Sunday, August 27, 2006

It is interesting to hear the commentators talking about Republican legislators who are in districts where the polls have tightened up. They say that they are "distancing" themselves from the preznit. They appear to have been given "permission" to call for a time table for withdrawal, for they are all doing the same thing. No surprise, the GOP moves in lock step.

If they distance themselves from the failed war policies of the oligarchy, does that suddenly make them more electable? All these years they have been cozied up to the monsters at the top and now weeks before the election they may lose as a direct result of the policies they have advocated and supported wholeheartedly, a little distance is supposed to bring the voters back home to keep them in power? Surely the American public is not that tuned out. It's time for people to pay the piper. The deadline has passed, the flute is playing, the price will have to be paid.

Maybe we can begin to recover sanity in our domestic and foreign policies beginning in January. Investigations will take up the last two years of this corrupt administration's rule. I hope someone has the nerve to submit a bill of impeachment.


At 11:46 AM, Blogger NYC Educator said...

The best way, of course, to distance them form the Prez is to kick them the hell out of DC.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

That is of course, what I have in mind.


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