Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Would you poke an angry animal with a stick?

Can anyone think why our preznit needed to dig Hezbolah by saying "Nanni nanni poo poo, You lost, Hezbolah!" ?

No one was even thinking of winners and losers. Now Hezbolah and every Lebonese refugee is posing for the camera saying, "a great victory over Israel."

George W. Bush is too stupid to be dog catcher.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Rae said...

That's pretty insulting to the dog catcher. Our dog catcher has a four year degree...

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Reality-Based Educator said...

I disagree a bit. I think people were thinking about winnders and losers in the conflict and conventional wisdom seems to be that Israel lost (the myth of invincibility is gone) while Hezbollah won by still being able to toss as many rockets into Israel at the end of the conflict as at the beginning.

The truly scary thing to me is how Bush could actually think Hezbollah lost the conflict when it is obvious that a) Nasrallah is now a folk hero in the Muslim world for leading hezbollah to at worst a stand-off with Israel, at best a marginal victory and b) internal Israeli politics shows just what the Israelis think about the results of the conflict - and it ain't good.

I read Bush's statement as another example of him being unable to accept reality as it is rather than reality as he wants it to be. Therefore he talks about Russia needing to import Iraqi-style democracy, Iraq being a resounding successs despite the increasing and terrifying levels of violence, Hezbollah losing the conflict even though the group seems to be in a stronger position politically now than it was before.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

The armaments of Hezbollah have been a surprise--an example of how much support they are getting from Iran. Amazing. I don't feel that Israel has done poorly. It just takes awhile to remove an enemy entrenched in an urban area and hiding under the skirts of old women. I assume they have stopped when they wanted to since no pressure was really being applied that was evident to me anyway. I think you are being too generous to dubya. He's just not very smart. A stooge propped up by the Republican oligarchy.


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