Wednesday, September 06, 2006

From NPR

According to a new biography of Karl Rove, the president’s chief political strategist did some bizarre "house cleaning" when he moved into Hillary Clinton's old West Wing office:

"Soon after Rove moved into his new office in the West Wing, previously occupied by Hillary Clinton, he invited three top Catholic priests to conduct a ceremony to purge the room of evil spirits. 'It was an actual liturgical ceremony,' says participant Deal Hudson. 'We sat at the table, we prayed. A priest said a series of prayers, including a blessing.'"

The media told me tonight that is was a great day for the president. He was on the offensive, taking control and showing how he owns the security issue.

Funny I thought the Senate was asking him to fire Donald Rumsfeld. That hardly got mentioned. And his take charge speech admitted to secret CIA prisons were we torture the prisoners who aren't charged with anything. He stressed that his alternative coersion methods had saved lives in Amrrika. No specifics were available of course. We should just trust him on that. Could any of this actually be legal? Didn't the preznit just hand us grounds for impeachment?

I also saw that the Army is giving a contract for a weapon against rocket propelled grenades to Ratheon, and American company, that plans to develop the weapon in 5 years. An Israel company that already has a weapon like this, battle tested to 98% effectiveness, was not considered. American Generals would not even go and look at the Israeli weapon. The Israeli weapon could be on the ground in Iraq, tomorrow, saving countless lives. Who supports Ratheon? Donald Rumsfeld. Dante would have to develop an entirely new level in hell for these guys.


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