Monday, January 29, 2007

From the AJC's Editorial Board this morning:

"Why didn't the administration consider the possibility of this 'nightmare scenario' before it led us into war? Why did it blithely ignore pre-war cautions from experts and analysts, some from within the U.S. government, that things would be far more difficult than claimed? Why didn't the president pay attention, for example, to the U.S. Army War College, which before the invasion issued a report that is now chilling in its foresight, warning that we would be stuck in Iraq for years, that U.S. forces would become a target for terrorists, that preserving the Iraqi army after the war was essential? 'Without an overwhelming effort to prepare for occupation,' the War College report warned, 'the United States could find itself in a radically different world over the next few years, a world in which the threat of Saddam Hussein seems like a pale shadow of new problems of America's own making.' Which is exactly where we find ourselves today.

"All were ignored. Instead, we were reassured that we were making enormous progress, that the insurgency was in its last throes, that the 'liberal media' were painting a falsely dire picture. 'Stay the course' was the message, from people too giddy with their own sense of power and God-sanctioned mission to see things clearly. Now . . . we have gone from a policy dirven by hubris to a policy driven by panic." Read it all here.

We must find a way to take war powers from this administration. It is out of control and has lost its way. Other plans have been offered and ignored. It is not clear who is making decisions about war. The authors of disaster should be identified and it is time to remove them. If the preznut himself intends to remain in place, he at the very least needs a panel of new advisors. I wish this was as simple as the democratic congress against the president. Rather it is the secret cabal of the executive branch versus a loosely knit band of representatives of the people. The people must hold sway.


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