Thursday, March 29, 2007

Catastrophe. An event resulting in great loss and misfortune that is irremediable. A disaster, cataclysm, tragedy, calamity.

The presidency of George Bush has been a catastophe. I'll make no laundry list. You can remember the incidents anyway. I was watching my mutual funds shrink again yesterday on CNBC, thinking about how much money I would have if the stock market had made it's historical average gains during the last 6 years. I'm about 40% short of where we could expect to be. The abuses in the justice department are sickening. Work for the Democratic Party and go to federal prison. Swear allegience to the Repub party and your corruption cannot be revealed. Executive privilege and all.

I was amazed to see that a Repub senator, Hagel, mentioned that a president who believes he doesn't answer to any one may find himself impeached.

I believe the world needs Repubs. They have a significant point of view on many issues. But when given control they behave like bad children, or gangsters. They run wild. Everything is spun in the media as the opposite of what it really is. I remember in the 60's when we were in a cold war face off with the Soviet Union virtually every day, we were astonished by what was released by their news agencies. Pravda means truth. Yet what they had to say every day was the opposite of truth. We laughed out loud at their pronouncements. Today that same strategy has come to America. Pravda is Fox News. Isaiah comes to mind.

Who believes we are safer today than in 2001?

I watched a NOVA on fighting the war in Iraq last night. Our technology is astonishing. A group of Americans came into contact with a long column of Iraqi tanks. The Americans were horribly outnumbered and in peril. They radioed for help and within 7 minutes a bomb was dropped over the area, it divided itself into many smaller heat seeking bombs right over the column of tanks. Without warning, without coming into contact with any enemy, the first half of the column of tanks exploded, all at once. The remaining tank drivers saw what happened and leaped from their tanks and ran away. NOVA went on to show how inadequate technology was for the current situation, trying to fight house to house against an enemy without uniforms, without shape. Before we could see them and they couldn't see us. Now the tables are turned.

Iraq was always a bad idea. Under the lack of leadership of this administration, and don't blame it on the preznit because he is way too stoopid to have thought of all this by himself, it has become a catastrophe. A scar on the planet.

"Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity and sin as it were with a cart rope. Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; who set darkness for light and light for darkness."

Isaiah chapter 5


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