Sunday, March 11, 2007

I guess you have seen that 13 Assistant U.S. Attorneys have been fired by the Bush administration for failing to yeild to political pressures. This is not a new practice. There was pressure put on Bob Barr a Repub U.S. Attorney back in the 80's who had the audacity to indict Pat Swindall a Repub congressman. Swindall was guilty and served time. Barr writes about the pressure in today's AJC. Clinton swept out the position on entering office, replacing Repub political appointees with Democrats. Still the preznit's tactics at this point in time are unusual. I'll bet you didn't notice that the new U.S. Attorneys were appointed through a provision in the U.S. Patriot Act that let's them bypass the normal process of congressional approval. Why take that unusual step? Because Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, said he would step down rather than face congressional questioning. Huh? Mr. Griffin is likely the perp in a votings rights crime that has come to light through the BBC. It seems some of his emails were sent accidentally to the wrong addressee. Oops. It gave all the details of a voter fraud campaign used in the last presidental election to get 70,000 black voters off the voting rolls. The ploy clearly violates the voting rights act of 1965, but no one was supposed to know. But alas, now they do. No matter for Karl Rove and the bushies. They just march on anyway. Why would a little lawbreaking be of concern after all they have done. See more here.


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