Monday, May 28, 2007

The 28 percenters (those who still support the preznit and his war), have recurring themes in their articles. They are subtle, but they don't hesitate to say all of the following. Except for Fox News, all media are controlled by liberals. Black people are bad and scarey and on welfare. Intellectuals are of course, stupid. Being bellicose and strutting up and down protects us. There is no room for discussion on any issue.

I was aghast at a little opinion piece by Mary Grabar in this mornings paper. She works so much of the mantra into her article that the AJC gave four columns of space for some reason. Reading these repub pieces is really like reading Tass or Pravda back in the 60's. If you take the time to read the article notice these things: She wants us to know that the middle-aged man is black so she brings in Spelman college. Was Spelman an important word? Leave it out and the tone changes. It's the only thing that tells you he is black. Was the man an intellectual? Not by any stretch of the imagination so she just waved her arms and said "poof" he's the same as an intellectual (and you know how evil intellectuals are).

I have a respose to Mary Grabar.

I wonder who those 28 percenters are who still support President Bush and his Iraq war. You are apparently one of them, spewing out your venom. The object of your hate is a black business man. You were careful to let us know he is black without calling him black. Very subtle. The AJC caught the flavor and printed a four column photo of war protesters, who including Cynthia McKinney, are majority black. Grabar insinuates that even giving one’s critical opinion of the war in public “gives encouragement to the enemy and dishonors those who fight and die for this country.” Pretty harsh words, Mary. How about these words back to you? Refusing to admit that there were no weapons of mass destruction, that the soldiers were not equipped for the battle (they still aren’t), that there has been criminal neglect in the administration’s planning, and that the troops should have been home long ago is what is actually killing those soldiers. It’s on you, Mary, not on those proclaiming the truth. See if you can wash their blood off your hands.


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