Friday, August 03, 2007

Jon Stewart is funny. I am definitely going to see the Bourne finale which is out today.

Yesterday I happened to be in the car in the morning so I tuned into Neil
Boortz on the radio. I think it is important to keep up with what your enemies are doing. He was falling all over himself talking about his visit to the oval office last week. Yes, THAT oval office. Seems the preznit took time out of his busy schedule making world peace to sit down and chat with an important group of American policymakers, conservative radio talk show hosts. I wouldn't say that he was giving them their talking points orders, but hey . . .

Boortz went right to how things are looking up in Iraq. In fact, he said even two liberal journalists had been forced to admit how well things were going there after their recent visit. The correspondents, Ken Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon were touted everywhere yesterday as liberal journalists who had seen the light. Well it's all crap folks. They have always been on the shrub's team. And things aren't going better. Read about the scam here if you like.

In my morning paper (The AJC), the article that caught my attention was the failure of the water system in Bagdad. Water only comes out of the taps for a hour or so during the middle of the night. The water stinks and is so foul that it is causing diarrhea even after boiling. It's 130 degrees in Iraq right now. So hot the parliment is closed for the month. There is no water for the citizens. Tell me again how things are getting better.

The catastophic failure of the bridge in Minnesota brought out this news comment. There are so many problems with the nation's bridges that it would cost 65 billion to repair the infrastructure. I had just noticed that the cost of the Iraq war was sure to go over 1000 Billion (a Trillion or if you like, a million million) dollars. The preznit will kill us all by chasing mosquitoes with 30,000 pound bombs. Did you hear that the B2 are being fitted with 30,000 pound bunker busting bombs. Target? Nuclear facilities in Iran. I'm telling you, Cheney and the preznit are not taking notice that the electorate has turned against them. This administration will be mentioned in 100 years with the same tone as Nero.

Investigations into vote fraud in the 2004 Ohio Presidential election have been thwarted by the systematic destruction of ballots in 2/3 of Ohio's counties. This is in violation of federal law which requires the ballots be kept for 22 months and in violation of a court order which required they be kept as evidence for the investigation. Yet, mysteriously, they have been destroyed. Not an accident you understand. Not a few random counties destroying ballots. The scale of the Repub corruption is mind boggling. Read more here.


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