Monday, October 29, 2007

Oil is at $92 a barrel at this moment. When was it that it was $18 a barrel? Oh yes, that was just before Bush and Cheney, the oilmen friendlies took over the government (in my opinion through fraud, not by democratic election). We have hit the all time highs for oil adjusted for inflation, so now we are in Carter era economics. What do you all you Repubs think about that? If we are having happy days like you say then let's revise the books and say President Carter led us through economic prosperity as well. Or . . . admit the truth about now. I think it is time to stop the executive branch cold. No more helping them muddle through their lame duckness. Fund the timely withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. Nothing else. If the preznit wants any money, that is the money he gets. Otherwise, load em up and bring them all home right this minute. That won't be the best? Okay, well it is the preznit's decision.

My girls sang on Sunday. I was proud of them. It was the equivalent of a college choir singing after 3 weeks of rehearsal. Pretty tough. They pulled it off and looked good doing it. Five or Six hundred in the audience. That is a plus.

I didn't think Boston would sweep, but they were a powerful team. Pitching and hitting. The Rockies were outmanned. Why does the World Series have to end at mid-night? Too late for me to want to watch. When I was a kid watched the weekend games in the day. The weekday games were in the day too, but we had to listen to them surreptitiously on transistor radios. When it was warm.

There is a big picture on the front of the AJC today celebrating one year of sobriety for Tonya McElrathbey. With interventions by Oprah and other national figures and groups, she has managed to get off drugs and alcohol for one year. She does not have custody of her eight children back. Did you know that even with this heroic level of intervention and one year of success, the odds are still not in her favor for remaining sober. The bad part is there are thousands of Tonyas in Atlanta alone. The national media is not helping them. I don't want to say their situation is hopeless, but it is nearly so.

My daughter and her husband came to visit this weekend. They celebrated their first anniversary yesterday. That's a happy time. They seem to be in a good place in their lives.


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