Monday, December 03, 2007

As predicted, LSU jumped from 7th to 2nd in the BCS standings by beating Tennessee by a touchdown. ESPN lobbied for them all day on TV. Georgia is ready to thrash LSU, USC, Okalahoma, Ohio (pansy schedule) State, or any one else for the national championship. Instead, they'll only let us play Hawaii. The BCS sucks.

Don't think the Republican agenda is on holiday. Though they have fallen out of their position of complete power, they are busy at every level, especially the at the grass roots. They are busy moving America toward fascism and you can be sure they'll call fascism "democracy."

After 27 years as a science teacher and 9 years as the Texas Education Agency's director of science, Christine Comer finds herself out of a job because she forwarded an email on a talk about evolution and intelligent design. The suggestion that evolution is science or that intelligent design (neo-creationism) is not science, is against policy. The Scopes monkey trial is still going on for these people. William Jennings Bryan lives on.

You can also be certain that the swift boating ads are ready for Hillary or Barack. And did you notice we are now "winning" the war in Iraq. I remind you. There hasn't been a war for years. We are occupying a foreign country. We have now participated in or facilitated the slaughter of two thirds of a million of their people and resistance has waned. Ethnic cleansing is largely responsible. The Sunnis and Shias that used to live in the same neighborhoods are now all segregated. They are still at war with each other. The government doesn't work. The billions of U.S. taxpayer money is still missing and we are still there, losing a soldier every day.


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