Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My state legislator died of a heart attack yesterday. He was actually in the hospital for a wrist injury that required surgery. I never voted for him. I taught one of his children and he was a bad apple. Since it is not good to speak ill of the dead, I have nothing more to say about that.

Two teenage girls were arrested for making terroristic threats, saying on myspace that they were going to shoot up our school today and then kill themselves. They were arrested yesterday. It is not clear that they actually had access to weapons. A grandmother of one of them turned them in. One attended the school, and the other girl had been sent to the county's alternative school for disciplinary reasons, but had withdrawn and was being "home schooled." So much for the reputation of those homeschoolers.

Have I ever told you how parents use the home school thing? Long story short. Kid is failing every class near the end of the semester. Parent withdraws student so he gets no final grades. Parent returns student and re-enrolls two weeks later in the new semester. Parent presents a report that the student took all his classes in home school and made a grade of A in each class. This grade is recorded and credit is given. Student is put in the next level. The county must accept any grades given by homeschools.


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