Thursday, November 15, 2007

The new America. Any statement that is anti-leadership is pro-terror and treasonous. The American Bridge Federation is proposing to ban the players American foursome who recently won the world championship because one of the four, in response to some questions from other players about American support for torture, held up a hastily crafted sign which was written on a menu that said simply "We didn't vote for Bush." The leadership of the Federation apparently did vote for Bush and they propose a one year ban from playing for the champions for this treasonous act. Other players who were wearing buttons that say 01/20/09 on them (the day Bush leaves office) were not singled out for punishment. Thankfully, the American Contract Bridge League, which provides major funding for the ABFed, is proposing to withdraw their major financial support from them if the go forward with their attempts to sanction the players.

Today's preznit is beyond criticism, dictator of the country, allowing no pork projects for democrats after signing off on the wild spending of democrats for 6 years without restraint. The democrats are spending like a teenager with a new credit card according to him. I've seen no comparisons to prior spending. I guess the media is just sleeping these days, too lazy to be concerned. Truthfully, I could do without all earmarks. If you want a library in Tulsa, write a bill for it. Don't drop it in a defense appropriation bill. The congressmen are all covering their asses with these policies of piling up omnibus bills. They could never justify voting for the Tulsa library so they say "Oh well, it was the price of getting defense appropriations." Everyone knows it is bull. Then you hear that the budget just can't be cut. I'll be I could cut it.

I think we need some Obama leadership. I wanna try Obamanation for awhile.

Why all the Hillary hate from the wingnuts. Why don't they talk about how they'd improve the country over what the shrub has done. Instead they say "Ooo Hillary has a bad temper." I don't care if she has a bad temper, but she always, always looks calm and cool to me. If you are running your 3rd marriage, flagrant adulterer, against Mrs. stand-by-your-man, you better just shut up about personal qualities.

The right hates Clinton primarily because he beat them soundly twice. Their fear is that Bill may beat them soundly twice more. He just might!


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