Thursday, December 06, 2007

Okay it is cold. You go out and get frozen walking the dog in the morning and can't warm up again.

So why wouldn't I order Christmas online when

A. The prices are lower.
B. There is no sales tax so the price is lower again.
C. There is no charge for shipping so I don't have to drive and the price is lower.

There is something nice about holding it in your hand before you buy it.

All the stuff I learned in American Government class and political science seems to have gone out the window in the past 7 years. I'm beginning to think there has been a takeover of the land of the free and the home of the brave. It started with Al Gore surrendering the fight in that first election. Florida was so fixed. In the end the courts just said "Stop. Stop counting. You may upset the results we want." They ordered precints to stop counting and then said time had run out so they couldn't be counted. All the outpouring of local support for stopping the count turned out to be paid repub staffers. Al could have kept up the fight but decided not to do so. That was a mistake. In the next election, it is clear now that Ohio was stolen.

Now the chief executive does whatever he wants, refuses to answer to congress, breaks the law by erasing Whitehouse emails, undermines our CIA to punish people, lies about intelligence findings, and no one is calling him into account. Good grief! Somebody get up and fight these people.

I'll never be happy if they don't imprison this president and vice-president for the rest of their lives.


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