Sunday, January 13, 2008

Well the economy seems to be nearing a crisis. American stock markets are plunging to places that they were at the beginning of this preznit's administration in 2001. Sad. Even with the Federal Reserve promising to be proactive to keep the economy afloat things are spinning downward.

This week in DeKalb County there was a job fair for the opening of a new Wal-Mart at the old Avondale Mall. Hopefully that will be a good thing for that community. There were 400 jobs being offered. 10,000 people came to apply for those jobs. I don't see Wal-mart as a great job but ten thousand people wanted those jobs. The bad thing to realise is that 9,600 of them will not get a job.

What is George Bush doing to help the economy? Oh sorry, he's now into the foreign policy phase of his presidency and has stopped noticing the economy. Besides the filthy rich are doing well. But to tell the truth, there aren't that many countries where our preznit is welcome as a visitor, so he'll be back soon.

I've got to say that I'm mystified by the mortgage crisis that has arisen across the country. It seems when we have tried to get a mortgage we have been scrutinized every which way. Although we've always had flawless credit reports, we've still had to furnish tax returns, been subject to appraisals of the property, confirmed our employment status, and had to fill out numerous forms, asking hundreds of questions. How did all these people get undocumented loans? It is a mystery. Country Wide holds our mortgage and they were purchased by Bank of America this week to keep them afloat. I'm doing my part to keep them afloat too, making those payments.


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