Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Repubs in the Senate are blocking all legislation except that which is exactly what the President dictates. Democrats have gone along several times, being cowed by fears of doing nothing. While the Senate has always been a body that believed in compromise, that governed from the center because of the filibuster, the current crop of Repub zealots believes what they believe and even in the minority they will not compromise. The expect the government to be shut down and they plan to blame the Democrats for it. That is their only plan. Our way or you get blamed. And face it, they do control much of America's media. The days of the fourt estate have passed. The liberal independent media has simply been purchased and now belongs to the right. Perhaps the word will get out anyway and we'll be able to boot a significant number of them and get back the bully pulpit too.

Why has no major media yet covered the McClellen assertions that Bush and Cheny were in the loop on the Plame affair? McClellen was on the inside. His testimony is a smoking gun to treason by our leaders. The media has been sold. There is no fourth estate.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Gus/Adri said...

The media has been purchased by Republicans? You haven't been watching ABC, NBC or CBS.


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