Sunday, February 17, 2008

A false argument on healthcare is put forward by Republicans. I just watched John McCain say that if we want universal health care then we better go to Canada or the European countries to see how it doesn't work. He said that we have the best healthcare in the world now.

Okay, when 15% of the population has no healthcare, that disqualifies us from saying that we have the best healthcare in the world.

A second point, it seems to me that Americans have always be able to reinvent ideas and make them better. So why can't we take the models of other countries' health care systems and improve them and make a new model for the world. The only answer to why we haven't already done it is that the stutus quo must be in the way of this happening. The real problem is discovered when we consider, who would be hurt by universal, single payer health care? Well health insurance companies would be out of business. Pharmaceuticals would have to restructure how they sell their drugs. No more sweetheart deals with this or that insurer. These are billion dollar companys and they don't want to change. So they'll spend millions to defeat universal healthcare, telling the public it would be terrible, lobbying the congress to do nothing. They may be so strong that no change can take place. But you can imagine.

What happens when two companies that do the same thing combine? Lots of savings--their stock goes up. Imagine 400 companies becoming one company. Don't even think of telling me that this would not work because the government couldn't handle it well. Everyone over 65, every veteran, every congressman, already has government health care. It works fine.

I expect that the money being spent by industry right now on 85% of the people would in fact cover everyone once you cut out all the middle men. You know thats right too don't you.

Imagine if there were no HMOs, no insurance companies, one system for everyone. With everyone on the same plan, anyone could give you advice on what to do next about healthcare issues.

In the same field, what if there were twice as many doctors? Did you ever wonder why there aren't twice as many doctors? The answer is simple. They don't train more doctors because doctors don't want more competition. Prices would go down. It's not because there are not enough smart applicants. There are enough people who could qualify to double the number of trainees, but if there were double the number of doctors, doctors visits, doctors expertise would cost a lot less. Maybe there are some doctors who are just barely making it somewhere, but the ones I know have two or three or four houses worth a gozillion dollars. I know they spent 10 years sleepwalking in their studies, I know they made low ages during that time. But now they drive jaguars or mercedes, vacation in Greece, or Vail, and have houses full of art, etc. What they do is not magic. Their IQ's are not 200, but rather 130, and they made 1200+ on the SAT, so 2/3 of them are dummer than me. I've got nothing against doctors, but our country should turn out twice as many and they should work in every community in the country, not just in the cities, and they shouldn't make a million dollars a year. If you think about it, they are civil servants. They couldn't be trained without tax dollars could they? No.


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