Friday, February 15, 2008

When I hear my girls sing and look around the room and realize that I have taught them to make the beautiful sounds that they make, when I see how responsive they can be to tuning, expression, and tone quality, I am amazed at the product of our symbiotic relationship. We were all moved by last night's rehearsal.

The news says we are having a crisis in home sales because banks don't want to loan jumbo loans of more than $417,000. $417K is okay, but $417,500 seems too risky. Sheeeee.

It is interesting to see the wide ranging attacks that begin in the newspaper when someone becomes the front runner in a race. Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post (who writes a lot of empty columns by my count), claims that Barack Obama's campaign is empty, that he has simply put hope in a bottle. He compares Obama's charismatic messages of hope to selling bottled water. Bottled water is stupid, right? But think about it. Bottled water is not popular because of some mass hysteria that has led America to want faux-spring water, but rather because, one, it always tastes good, two, it is convenient to carry around, and three, it seems to be better for us than any type of canned drink. Obama has become popular because one, he can put words together, both with his speech writers and off the cuff, words which point out the ridiculousness of the way government has been run since the attack partisanship of Newt Gingrich became the rule for Washington politics, two, the clear vision of his logic gives us hope for a change from those policies, and three, the mass enthusiasm for his perscriptions lead us to believe that this election may result in sweeping changes. By sweeping changes, I mean both a house and senate that will work with President Obama to change the course of American history for the next generation, that is, the rest of my life.

If you have been watching who is voting in the primaries you have noticed as I have that in almost every state (Georgia would be an exception), 50 to 100% more people have voted for the democratic candidates than for the repub candidates (yes that is an intentional snub of the repub party that I will continue to use as long as the repub continue to shorten the word democratic in an effort to tear down and trivialize my party.) It will be difficult to reverse that trend in the general election. Even when panic sets in among the repubs, some will not be able to abandon their principles to press McCain on the voting machine screen. And that will cost McCain their vote and it will cost every other repub candidate too. Repubs in gerrymandered fortresses will lose elections this year. There will be surprises. Maybe we'll get to sixty in the senate. If not, I hope the powers that be cut the budgets for the repubs and assign them offices in the basements of buildings that they cannot even locate.

Barack Obama is not a messiah, nor a cult leader. He is a leader whose time has come. Krauthammer is full of bunk.


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