Sunday, January 27, 2008

I was happy to hear the Metropolitan Opera Regional Auditions this afternoon. The singers were from Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, the youngest aged 22, the eldest 30. They came with nerves aplenty to perform in a packed Spivey Hall. Each contestant sang an opening number of their choice and then the judges, two from the Chicago Lyric Opera and one retired from the Metropolitan, chose a second aria from a list of five that each contestant had provided. Mozart was most often the second choice for it seemed that the judges thought the clarity of tone needed to negotiate Mozart would expose any weakness and quite often it did so. I large instrument just bulling it's way one has difficulty tripping through the classic period. I do love singing of course, but what called me to be on hand in this instance was that one of my former students had recently won the district audition and was one of three Georgia representatives in the Regions. Winners here go on to perform at the Met in NYC. Kaitlyn entered the district competition last year and was given an encouragement award (an honorable mention). Here she was the youngest competitor and once again won the encouragement award. If this pattern continues, she should win the regions next year! We'll hope so. She sang fabulously and I was pleased that I taught her the technique that she sings with still. It made me feel good about my teaching. Oddly the judges asked Kaitlyn to a third aria. She was the only singer asked to sing three. She nailed the third one, seeming to be better on it than the first. She sang Bellini, Mozart, and Strauss. The judges declared two winners, a tenor with 10 high C's in his first aria, and a six foot tall soprano with a voice like a canon. Those two will be singing at the Met next month.


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