Monday, June 30, 2008

If you tell the truth . . . you are liberal. (You may be elitest, islamic-commu-terrorists too.) I used to have a friend who said he was a Baptomethapalianpresbygationist.

Liberal media . . . those are the guys and girls who just report what is going on. The conservative side has "defined" what liberal means. They say that the truth is news that flatters the Republican Party, the preznit, and his buddies. Anything that doesn't flatter them, or that reveals the secrets of this administration, which are legion, well that is "liberal" media. Liberal media is proclaimed to be evil, terror-sympathizing, weak and cowardly, educated elitist. Hmmm. So telling the truth gets a lot of adjectives thrown at you. Takes me back to elementary school when the bullies ruled the playground. It feels the same now. Dick Cheney is that older kid who has been kept back twice and spent 6 months in reform school. He'll sucker punch you in the stomach if he thinks you looked at him funny. And he's paranoid so watch out.

I was just reading an article in the Washington Post about people in a mid-American city who just can't vote for Obama because . . . he was born in Africa, he's a gay muslim, he won't wear a flag pin, nor say the pledge of allegience. No matter that those "rumors" are bunk. The 28%ers are sending it round and round the internet, "and with all those good patriotic Americans forwarding the information, it must be true." Of course the Liberal media says Obama is a self-made American, with war hero grandparents, who went to Harvard, loves America and the flag and is a committed Christian. That PROOVES that Obama is false. The Liberal media lies about everything. Or . . . not. Reread the first sentence of the blog.

So what is truth these days. Don't the Supremes decide the truth? (The Supreme Court). Then why is it that almost every decision is 5 to 4. The conservative 4 always vote against the liberal 4, on every issue, no matter what. Justice Kennedy always makes the difference. He's the decider (Don't tell George Bush). I wonder why they all don't have more independent judgement. Why the make up of every decision doesn't come out with different combinations of judges on every vote. But every vote seems the same. How can that be? The only way that can happen is that the decisions are made before the cases are tried. Sheesh! The Supremes are a kangaroo court. If only they were as funny as the Braves Kangaroo court.


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